Age Group:
Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5), Tweens (Grades 4-8), Teens (Grades 7-12), Adults, Ages 18+, Ages 21+, Ages 55+Program Description
Event Details
By exposing specially treated paper to sunlight, you can create beautiful works of art. Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Traditionally used to make blue prints, we will create impressions of dried flowers and foliage instead. During this class, we will step outside with our projects for about five minutes to develop the images on the paper.
Although this art form is also commonly known as Sun Art, it can still be done on cloudy days.
This event is rescheduled from 4/16/2024 due to weather.
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Unaccompanied Child Parental Permission Form
Any children between the ages of 10 and 16 who will be attending this program without an adult present in the library must have a copy of the Unaccompanied Child Parental Permission Form on file. This form only needs to be filled once per school year.
Messy Crafts
This program may involve messy crafts or activities. Please dress to be messy!