Spencer Road Branch is offering free emergency diaper distribution in the Commons at Spencer Road near the north entrance.
Open-ended and explorative preschool art session focused on the process of making art.
Dress to be messy.
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Messy Crafts
This program may involve messy crafts or activities. Please dress to be messy!
Register Each Child Individually
Please register each child who will be attending individually.
Grow Your Reader with stories, songs, and activities that enhance early literacy skills.
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
No Registration
Registration is not required for this program.
Grow Your Reader with stories, songs, and activities that enhance early literacy skills.
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
To register for this class, please call 314-862-4859 ext 24, class #3551.
Arthritis is one of the most common diagnoses encompassing at least 200,000 new cases a year.
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Learn to play Hand & Foot Canasta.
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Work on your own knit, crochet, embroidery, sewing, etc. project with fellow fiber arts enthusiasts!
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
LEGO Builders
Build with the Library's LEGO bricks
Children will have the opportunity to select one creation to display in Library
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Be a part of the decision making process at the Library. Help plan programs, give book recommendations, promote the library, and eat some snacks!
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Register Each Teen
Please register each teen who will be attending the program.
Be a part of the decision making process at the Library. Help plan programs, give book recommendations, promote the library, and eat some snacks!
If you need accommodations for this program, please contact the Library as soon as you are able.
Event Photography
Please note that the Library's marketing team will be at this program to take photographs. These photographs may be shared on our website and social media. If you or your children are not comfortable with photographs, please inform staff at the program.
Food and/or Drinks
Food and/or drinks will be served at this program or event. Please contact the Library with any questions or concerns you have.
While we do not serve snacks containing nuts at any youth classes, we cannot always ensure there is no cross-contamination in processing. If you are concerned, please ask to see the packaging at the event.